Monday, October 27, 2014

"liquid SUNSHINE"

 The subject in this email pretty much says it all. We had a wet week you could say. Summer is defiantly gone which is super sad:( but FALL is wonderful and the rain is on its way for the next couple months. That's it for the weather forecast. We had such an amazing, eventful week in Ferndale. So many wonderful people to talk to and meet, and we are in the stages right now of trying to build more and more of people to teach. Door to door we go and there have been so many large and small miracles. This is the Lords work and he knows the hearts and minds of this good people in Washington. For instance this week we were able to meet with Elizabeth who a couple weeks ago no longer wanted to meet, but for some reason she changed her mind. We were able to teach her about the Plan of Salvation this week and it was powerful. At first we were sort of just going through the motions of teaching and then it slowed down for a second, a question was asked and the spirit filled the room with her response and from that moment on we had an amazing lesson with her. It ended with her asking if we could now come back twice a week! WOOT WOOT. total miracle. Then later that week we had a church tour with her where we were able to commit her to a baptism date! I have such a strong testimony about the spirit that is in the church. It is there where we are able to receive guidance from our father in heaven, but it is our choice to listen. Which is something that can be hard at times. We have so much going on in our daily lives that we are quick to forget and to listen to what it is that God would have us do or say. Every day I rely fully upon the spirit because without it I really could do nothing.

  Thursday night we were able to meet with the Carlson family with our Bishop. I don't know if I had had the chance to talk much about the bishop in the Ferndale ward... but Bishop Clark is AMAZING. He is so willing to help us out, and gives us such great advice in order for us to become better. We are here in this life to continue to change and to grow and that requires us to stretch a little bit and sometimes that may be challenging, but that is the time when Heavenly Father is allowing us to become something greater and something better! Anyways, he came with us to our appointment with them and it went great. We were able to finally sit down with the whole family.

 Last story that I wanted to share. HIGHLIGHT OF MY ENTIRE WEEK!!!!!

 Here we are late Saturday night..7:30 hahah okay not really that late but it was dark, and pouring rain and we were out biking. We were biking to our last person to see that had canceled on us the night before. It had been a very long day and we were drenched from head to toe. I could no longer feel practically anything and it got so bad that my skirt was so heavy that I had to continue to ring it out! We hurried and biked over there.. we were stopped at a stoplight and we turned to each other and just started to laugh. WE LOOKED RIDICULOUS I prayed and prayed that something good or just something would happen. WE locked up our bikes and ran to the small apartment where we hoped Layla would be. we knocked.... nothing happened. NOOOO I thought to myself... then we waited. Patience. She swung the door opened and to our surprise she looked at us and said.... "YES I was HOPING that was you 2"! it led to the best lesson every with her. She began to tell us that she prayed about what we had asked her to pray about and she had the best 2 days after she had done that!

I just want you to all know how much I love it here. Every hard moment, wonderful moment, refreshing moment, spiritual moment is all so worth it. It is for certain that I wouldn't be able to do any of this without the help of the Lord. I know he lives and it is a honor to represent him. I love you all. Thank you for all that you do!
love Sister Norton:)

p.s. I read a really good talk this week by Elder Holland and I wanted to share just a little something from it.

"The only way to salvation is through Gethsemane and on to Calvary. The only way to eternity is through Him"


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